
The construction of care facilities requires teamwork

Cosy, comfortable and safe. These are the characteristics of assisted living facilities and day-care centres we want senior citizens and children to spend their time in. However, creating such facilities is not necessarily that simple.

The construction of care facilities requires teamwork
The construction of care facilities requires teamwork

Cosy, comfortable and safe. These are the characteristics of assisted living facilities and day-care centres we want senior citizens and children to spend their time in. However, creating such facilities is not necessarily that simple.

The construction of care facilities has changed a lot in Finland over recent decades. Today, the projects involve many different parties:

  • the senior citizens and children who require assisted living facilities and day-care centres,
  • the municipalities that are responsible for organising and monitoring the provision of care,
  • the authorities that ensure that the facilities are appropriate and functional,
  • the service providers that operate the centre,
  • the investors that own the properties.

Ensuring mutual understanding and strong teamwork between all of these parties to carry out construction projects smoothly requires a skilled playmaker.

“YIT takes overall responsibility for projects. When we are involved, everyone can be confident that assisted living facilities and day-care centres are built with high-quality and cost-efficiency and on schedule,” says Timo Erkkilä, Property Development Director at YIT.

Involved from the initial stages of the project

The construction of care facilities typically starts from the needs of children and senior citizens: municipalities need day-care centres for children and assisted living facilities for the elderly. Municipalities are responsible for zoning land for the development of care facilities and putting the projects out to tender.

“We support the assessment of available plot alternatives and bring together the investor and service provider from among the candidates selected by the municipality. Municipalities are often delighted by our ability to understand the big picture. We know what the cost level is, so the rents for our projects remain competitive,” says Anne Suojoki, Property Development Manager at YIT.

In Helsinki and the surrounding municipalities in particular, plots are often the bottleneck in the development of care facilities. Suitable plots of land tend to be hard to find. Location is highly significant to the users, as there is a desire to have assisted living facilities and day-care centres situated in familiar environments and close to other services.

“The location of care facilities is also of interest to investors. For them, it is important that the facilities are centrally located with respect to their operations, as this can help ensure a high utilisation rate,” Timo Erkkilä adds.

An extensive partner network

Today, care services are increasingly provided by private service providers. For service providers, it is important that projects progress according to plans. Working with professionals in the implementation of projects allows service providers to focus on their customers and the production of care services.

The facilities must also have an excellent level of practical functionality. YIT’s partner network ensures that properties are designed to be cosy, functional and efficient.

“We partner with designers who have extensive experience of projects in the field of developing care facilities. They understand the needs of senior citizens and children, as well as the requirements related to permits, regulations and spatial efficiency,” Timo Erkkilä explains.

The construction of care facilities must take into consideration not only the users, but also the wishes of the investors.

“Investors require that contracts are clear, buildings are of high quality, and the service provider is a professional operator in its field,” says Property Development Manager Mikko Lempinen.

The successful implementation of the care facility project is the shared goal of all of the parties involved. This ensures that children and senior citizens get to enjoy functional and comfortable facilities.

“YIT creates conditions for high-quality, safe and cosy assisted living and the operation of care facilities. We are a reliable expert partner for the implementation of care facilities. The high level of satisfaction among our customers is evidence of this,” Timo Erkkilä concludes.

For further information, please contact:

Timo Erkkilä, YIT Care and Health, Property Development Director, tel. +358 (0)40 540 4313