Reports and materials

YIT's reports and investor materials

Our latest annual and interim reports and other materials year by year.

YIT's Interim Report 1-3/2024 result webcast

Webcast event was held on Tue, 30 April 2024 at 10:00 a.m. EEST.
A recording of the webcast is now available.

The result was presented by President and CEO Heikki Vuorenmaa and CFO Tuomas Mäkipeska. 

watch the webcast RECORDING

Financial reports

Other materials (investor presentations, webcasts and podcasts)

Other materials 2024

19 June Silent call Q2/2024

13 June A wider perspective on the construction market / Nordea
Presentation material

29 May Carnegie Finnish Construction Ecosystem -seminar, Helsinki
Presentation material

27 March Silent call Q1/2024
Podcast (eng) 

12 March Analyst call regarding the financial arrangement

Updated 30.04.2024