Sustainability as part of YIT’s strategy.
One of key enablers of YIT’s strategy is sustainability. In line with YIT’s vision, sustainability is an integral part of good life and considered a key competitive advantage for the company.
In terms of environmental criteria, we are committed to the Science Based Targets (SBTi) initiative to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. In November 2021, YIT became the first Finnish construction company to commit to the Science Based Targets (SBTi). The Science Based Targets (SBTi) were adopted by YIT in June 2023. With this commitment, we are strengthening our climate work and aiming to reduce both our own and our customers' emissions.
In terms of social criteria, we will continue our work to improve society and build a better living environment. We aim to halve the amount of workplace accidents by the end of the strategy period and we will invest in strengthening well-being at work and personal growth.
On governance criteria, we continue our rigorous approach to the grey economy. We do not tolerate corruption, labour exploitation or discrimination. We promote our sustainability objectives throughout our supply chain. We hold our suppliers to the same environmental, social and governance standards we have set ourselves.
YIT’s Board of Directors approves sustainability-related strategic objectives, monitors risk management and decides on compensation and benefits related to sustainability. At the operational level, sustainability is managed by the President and CEO, the Group Management Team, business unit directors and the Executive Vice President in charge of ESG issues.
The framework for sustainability management is established through YIT’s material sustainability themes. Targets are set and actions are planned throughout the organization in order to achieve the strategic sustainability targets.
YIT has also established a Green Finance Framework to support investments promoting the transition towards a low-carbon circular economy. The Green Finance Framework will enable YIT to issue green bonds and other green financial instruments to finance projects with environmental benefits. The Framework will be one of the tools to support YIT to reach its climate and sustainability targets.