
YIT's Annual Report for 2014 published

YIT's Annual Report for 2014 has been published at the company's website The Annual Report consists of the annual review, the report of the Board of Directors and the Financial Statement for 2014. The Annual Report is available in Finnish and in English.

YIT´s Annual Report for 2014 published
YIT´s Annual Report for 2014 published

YIT's Annual Report for 2014 has been published at the company's website The Annual Report consists of the annual review, the report of the Board of Directors and the Financial Statement for 2014. The Annual Report is available in Finnish and in English.

This year, YIT’s Annual Report is prepared under the integrated reporting framework. The Annual Report aims to provide a clearer description of how YIT creates added value for its customers, shareholders and other stakeholders.

YIT’s Annual Report is only published in electronic format, as a PDF file. The popularity of printed annual reports has declined substantially, and investor information is increasingly sought online. In addition, the online publication of annual reports helps us achieve our goals related to sustainable development and environmental responsibility.