YIT to launch the first phase of apartment building project in Kladno, Czech Republic
PRESS RELEASE 14 October 2011 at 10.30
YIT is involved in developing alternative energy forms. The wind power solutions of the YIT Corporation have already been used in Sweden in the last few years. The largest land-based wind farm in Europe is currently being built there, and YIT is responsible for the electrical works of the 330 wind turbines in the first phase of the construction process. In Finland, YIT offers a life cycle service concept around wind power.
– YIT offers services during the entire 20-25 year life span of a wind turbine from the development phases to maintenance. Our supply covers construction work from road and infrastructure construction in the surroundings to foundations and electrical works of the turbine. After the turbine is ready, we can also take care of the maintenance. We help our clients invest in a profitable manner and also to retain the value of their investment, states Vice President Harri Orko from the Infrastructure Construction Unit.
In addition to Finland and Sweden, YIT’s market area covers the whole of Northern Europe and in particular the Baltic Sea area.
Last year, in accordance with EU commitments, the Government of Finland aligned to the goal of increasing the percentage of renewable energy to 38 percent of the final consumption of energy by 2020. In terms of wind power, reaching this goal would require additional construction of over 2,000 MW capacity.
– Reaching this goal would require the construction of nearly 2.5 wind turbines every week. The wind turbines built in Finland in the next few years will be mainly land-based. We have an abundant amount of land for building them, and building on land is also significantly cheaper than building at sea. However, sea-based wind turbines will become more popular in the future. YIT already has the skills required for building sea-based wind turbines, and therefore we will also be a competitive actor in this area, says Orko.
For further information, please contact:
Harri Orko, YIT Construction Ltd, Manager of the Wind Power Unit, tel. +358(0)50 440 2322
Virva Salmivaara
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Distribution: Principal media, local media, www.yit.com
YIT is a successful European service company in building systems, construction services and services for industry. We build, develop and maintain quality living environments in Nordic countries, Central Europe, Russia and Baltic countries. In 2010, YIT's revenue amounted to EUR 3.8 billion. The Group employs approximately 26,000 people. YIT's share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. www.yitgroup.com