
How to give feedback as a road user

YIT kunnossapito - maintenance
YIT kunnossapito - maintenance

Road users give a lot of valuable feedback on road maintenance all year round. In some cases, feedback can even prevent accidents. However, if the feedback is given through the wrong channel, it may take a long time for it to reach its destination. To whom should road users send their feedback? 

In cities, responsibility for the road network can be divided between several contractors. In smaller population centres, different contractors can be responsible for the road and for the roadside. In the case of some roads, feedback is given directly to the contractors and in others, to the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency or the municipal feedback telephone service. Social media is not the right channel for giving comments on snow clearing or road maintenance.

“Unfortunately, contractors are unable to follow social media actively, and feedback does not reach its intended recipient quickly via social media,” says Pilvi Hyvönen, Service Specialist at YIT’s PANU service centre. 

This is why road users are encouraged to use the official feedback channels for road maintenance. There is a simple rule of thumb that helps you find the right channel in most cases.

“If the problem is on a state-maintained, numbered road, feedback should be given to the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. If the road is located in a population centre, in the area of the city or municipality, road users should use the municipal feedback channel,” says Tuomo Ratua, Specialist in Procurement, Road Maintenance, at the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.

Feedback to the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency can be given online via the Feedback Channel, which contains a convenient map service for reporting the place. If the problem is urgent, you can call the road users’ telephone line, which is open around the clock on 0200 2100.

Feedback concerning city- or municipality-owned roads is given to the municipal maintenance organisation, which forwards it to the right contractor. You can find the contact information on the municipality’s website. Larger cities might have a centralised online feedback service, while some municipalities have a feedback telephone line that is open during office hours.

“Even with the rule of thumb, choosing the right channel is not always straightforward. In that case, the Feedback Channel is a good place to start as the map service can usually specify who is responsible for maintaining the road in question,” Ratia says.

In an emergency situation on any road, the right number to call is the emergency number 112, and you should not hesitate making the call if you are in danger.

How to give feedback: 

●    Give the exact location of the problem
●    Describe the situation as accurately as possible
●    Indicate how urgent the matter is


For further information, please contact

Timo Paavilainen, Technical Director, maintenance, YIT, puh. 0400 569 106,

Pirita Tiusanen, Communications Manager, YIT Corporation, tel. +358 44 240 9822,


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