

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION 19.4.2007, 15.00 Lemminkäinen Corporation and the Finnish Road Administration have signed a service agreement whereby the Company assumes responsibility for the condition of the main roads in the Häme, Uusimaa and Turku road districts of Finland. The agreement comes into force immediately and within its scope are Highway 3

19.4.2007, 15.00                                                           

Lemminkäinen Corporation and the Finnish Road Administration have signed a      
service agreement whereby the Company assumes responsibility for the condition  
of the main roads in the Häme, Uusimaa and Turku road districts of Finland. The 
agreement comes into force immediately and within its scope are Highway 3       
between Helsinki and Tampere, Highway 9 between Lieto and Tuulos, and Highway 10
between Aura and Toijala. The main roads for which Lemminkäinen is responsible  
total just under 1,200 lane kilometres.                                         

As the service provider Lemminkäinen will monitor the condition of the highway  
pavements and road structures, and make independent decisions on their repair   
works. In addition to asphalt paving, the contract includes road markings, the  
upkeep of gravel verges, and the repair of cracks and frost damage. Winter      
maintenance, such as snowploughing, remains outside the scope of the contract.  

This service agreement is the first of its kind in Finland. The new contract    
model provides the service provider with opportunities to combine design,       
construction and upkeep in innovative ways.                                     

- This contract model enables us to exploit our own expertise more effectively, 
and to take the whole pavement life cycle into account systematically, says the 
Head of Lemminkäinen's Paving and Mineral Aggregates Division, Mr. Henrik       

The contract is worth approx. EUR 40 million and will end in 2018.              

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION                                                        
Corporate Communications                                                        

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:                                                         
Henrik Eklund                                                                   
Head of the Paving and Mineral Aggregates Division                              
Lemminkäinen Corporation                                                        
Tel. +358 40 563 7811                                                                                                     

Lemminkäinen's Paving and Mineral Aggregates Division is an asphalt paving and  
road improvement contractor as well as a producer of mineral aggregates and     
ready-mix concrete. The Division also carries out year-round highway maintenance
contracts and offers environmental engineering products and services. The       
Division operates mainly in the Baltic Rim region and derives roughly half of   
its business from international operations.                                     
Lemminkäinen Group operates in all areas of the construction sector. Its main   
business areas are building contracting, infrastructure construction, the       
building materials industry and technical building services. Net sales in 2006  
were EUR 1,795.9 million, of which international operations accounted for about 
a third. The Group employs some 8,500 people. Lemminkäinen's share is listed on 
Helsinki Stock Exchange.