

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION PRESS RELEASE 26.4.2007 Lemcon Ltd of the Lemminkäinen Group has been awarded a tunnel construction contract worth EUR 54 million in Sweden. The new Kroksberg railway tunnel will be built on a new section of track between Härnösand and Veda, forming part of the 100-year-old Ådalsbana line that follows the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia. The Kroksberg tunnel will be 4.5 kilometres long and when completed it will be longest tunnel o


Lemcon Ltd of the Lemminkäinen Group has been awarded a tunnel construction     
contract worth EUR 54 million in Sweden. The new Kroksberg railway tunnel will  
be built on a new section of track between Härnösand and Veda, forming part of  
the 100-year-old Ådalsbana line that follows the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia.  

The Kroksberg tunnel will be 4.5 kilometres long and when completed it will be  
longest tunnel on the Ådalsbana line. Work at Kroksberg has already started with
the construction of two adits, and excavation of the main tunnel will begin in  
the summer. The tunnel will be completed in early spring 2010. The client is    
Banverket Central Region.                                                       

The Kroksberg tunnel is Lemcon's second railway tunnel contract on the Ådalsbana
line. In January 2007 the company started work on the construction of the       
adjacent Bjässholmen tunnel. A total of six tunnels with a combined length of 11
kilometres will be built on the new 21-kilometre-long track section. The        
Ådalsbana line connects to the Botniabana line, on which Lemcon has constructed 
a number of tunnels in recent years.                                            

- The Ådalsbana line tunnels are a strategically important group of contracts   
for Lemcon in Central Sweden, says the Head of Lemcon Infra, Mr. Timo Kohtamäki.

- The new contracts are together worth about EUR 100 million. They bring        
long-term sustainability to our operations and give us good development         
opportunities in rock engineering generally and on the Swedish market in        

Lemcon has been operating continuously on the Swedish tunnel construction market
since 1994. In addition to the Ådalsbana line contracts, the company has built  
eleven other railway tunnels in Sweden.                                         

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION                                                        
Corporate Communications                                                        

Additional information:                                                         
Timo Kohtamäki                                                                  
Head of Unit, Lemcon Ltd,                                                       
Tel. +358 40 585 3113                                                           

Lemcon Ltd is Lemminkäinen Group's international project contractor, which      
derives half of its net sales from operations abroad. In Finland the company    
focuses on demanding infrastructure contracts and project management            
contracting. The company operates as a project contractor and telecommunications
network builder in Europe, the Americas and Asia.                               

Lemminkäinen Group operates in all areas of the construction sector. Its main   
business areas are building contracting, infrastructure construction, the       
building materials industry and technical building services. Net sales in 2006  
were EUR 1,795.9 million, of which international operations accounted for about 
a third. The Group employs some 8,500 people. Lemminkäinen's share is listed on 
Helsinki Stock Exchange.