YIT Contanct information

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YIT's other locations 

Here you will find contact information for YIT's international locations. Please select a country and filter your search below. Our emails are formed as such: firstname.lastname@yit.fi/se/no/cz/sk/lt/lv/ee/pl.

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YIT Development Sp. z o.o. 00-105 Warszawa, ul. Twarda 18
Media contact
Multi Communications


+358 20 433 111

Service hours:
Mon - Fri 7:30-16:00

Call charge 8,35 cents/call + 16,69 cents/min (incl. VAT). International rate as applicable.

YIT Corporation, Head Office

P.O. Box 36, Panuntie 11
00620 Helsinki, Finland

Reception open:
Mon - Fri at 8-16

Arrival and parking instructions
YIT's other locations contact information