YIT:n tilinpäätöstiedote tammi-joulukuu 2024
YIT Oyj on vastaanottanut Schroder Investment Management Compliance Limitedin 1.5.2007 lähettämän arvopaperimarkkinalain mukaisen ilmoituksen omistusosuuden muuttumisesta. Schroder Investment Management Compliance Limited ilmoittaa omistusosuutensa nousseen 5,36 prosenttiin YIT:n osakkeiden lukumäärästä.
YIT:n 30.4.2007 rekisteröity osakepääoma on 146.688.843,82 euroa ja osakkeiden lukumäärä 126.852.260 kappaletta. YIT:llä on yksi osakesarja ja jokaisella osakkeella on yksi ääni ja yhtäläinen oikeus osinkoon.
Schroder Investment Management Compliance Limitedin ilmoitus on esitetty liitteenä.
Veikko Myllyperkiö viestintäjohtaja
Lisätietoja: hallintopäällikkö Marja Salo, puh. 020 433 2470, marja.salo@yit.fi
Jakelu: Helsingin Pörssi, keskeiset tiedotusvälineet, www.yit.fi.
As a result of share transactions concluded on 13 December 2006, the holdings of Schroder Investment Management Limited on behalf of its clients now represents 5.36% of the share capital 126,776,672 and 5.36% of the voting rights of YIT Oyj. Under chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Market Act, we hereby notify the Financial Supervision Authority and YIT Oyj of the following:
1. Name of company in which holdings have been acquired
2. Date of change in holdings
3. Exact proportion of voting rights and share capital in YIT Oyj
Holdings by Schroder Investment Management Limited on behalf of its clients are now as follows:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Number | Proportion of | Proportion of | | | share capital | voting rights | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 6,800,599 | 5.36 | 5.36 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The breakdown of holdings by client name is given below:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Client | No. of ord. | Proportion of | Proportion of | | | shares held | share capital | voting rights | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | BNL European Small | 8,143.00 | 0.006 | 0.006 | | Caps European Small | | | | | Caps Portfolio | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder European | 180,000.00 | 0.142 | 0.142 | | Smaller Cos Fund | | | | | Portfolio | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder Inst.Euro | 70,600.00 | 0.056 | 0.056 | | Smaller Cos Fd | | | | | Portfolio | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder Global | 44,351.00 | 0.035 | 0.035 | | Smaller Cos Fund Main | | | | | Portfolio | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SCM - Schroder | 274,000.00 | 0.216 | 0.216 | | International Small Co | | | | | Portfolio | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder International | 855,143.00 | 0.675 | 0.675 | | Selection Fd European | | | | | Smaller Companies | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder International | 700,000.00 | 0.552 | 0.552 | | Selection Fd Euro | | | | | Dynamic Growth | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder International | 127,793.00 | 0.101 | 0.101 | | Selection Fd Euro | | | | | Active Value | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder International | 13,702.00 | 0.011 | 0.011 | | Selection Fd Global | | | | | Smaller Companies | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder International | 278,427.00 | 0.220 | 0.220 | | Selection Fd European | | | | | Dynamic Growth | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder International | 280,201.00 | 0.221 | 0.221 | | Selection Fd European | | | | | Special Situations | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder Intl Small | 10,033.00 | 0.008 | 0.008 | | Companies LP SISLP - | | | | | Small Companies | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schroder European | 393,806.00 | 0.311 | 0.311 | | Alpha Plus European | | | | | Equities | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | State of Connecticut | 64,400.00 | 0.051 | 0.051 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global Small Companies | 500,000.00 | 0.394 | 0.394 | | Vanguard International | | | | | Explorer International | | | | | Equities | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Shareholder's complete name
Schroder Investment Management Limited (on behalf of clients listed above).
London, 01 May 2007
Taryn O'Donoghue Regulatory Reporting Assistant On behalf of Schroder Investment Management Limited